Boozed + Infused

Infusing liqueurs at home with inspiring and seasonal ingredients

Lemongrass Vodka


This is a very simple infusion… almost to simple to post. But I’m posting anyway, and there is a reason behind it.

A few days ago I participated in a twitter chat called #GartenderChat. What is Gartending, you might ask?  Gardening + bartending = growing your own cocktails!

Wonderful, right?!? This was the brain child (please correct me if I’m wrong) of Jayme Jenkins of aHa! Modern Living and Nest in Style. The chat was hosted by Jayme and Nicky from Dirt and Martinis.

All that gardening/cocktail chat inspired me to make a garden-themed cocktail. I ended up making a spectacular drink with some herbs from my garden, plus this lemongrass infused vodka.

Lemongrass Vodka

1 scant cup Sliced Lemongrass

1 1/2 c. Vodka

Let infuse for 2 weeks. Strain and filter.

This smells and tastes like a lovely lemongrass-infused vodka… exactly as you would expect. I happen to adore lemongrass, so I couldn’t wait to make this.

I promise to post the cocktail very soon. In the meantime, you should definitely start this infusion.


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Lemongrass-Sage Cocktail

Author: Alicia

Infusing at home with inspiring and seasonal ingredients. Join us in making delicious cordials, liqueurs, boozy fruits and cocktails.

20 thoughts on “Lemongrass Vodka

  1. I must try this, love lemon-y cocktails! Looking forward to see – and imbibe – the cocktail you make with this infusion. TY for mentioning #gartenderchat, too!

  2. I’m so excited to try this! I love lemongrass and I have a few ideas for a cocktail to mix up using this 🙂 and #gartenderchat was fun, wasn’t it?

  3. An excellent excuse to actually buy some of the lemongrass I gaze longingly at every Sunday at the farmer’s market. 🙂

  4. Thank you for your support Alicia!!! So happy to connect with you on Twitter. Love your blog and now following you on FB and Pinterest! This lemongrass infuses vodka looks amazing. I will have to find some lemongrass soon! Thanks again, Nicky 🙂

  5. Lemongrass vodka sounds delicious! Is it a subtle lemon taste or a more punchy one? And Gartending- what a genius concept, thanks for the dirt and martinis recommendation, will be heading over there to check stuff out.

    • When you try the lemongrass vodka, the flavor is very distinct of lemongrass. By that I mean that the flavor is much more gentle and floral than “lemons”. Does that make sense? I wouldn’t describe it as punchy, but does taste distinctly of lemongrass. Very different from a lemon flavor, but has a hint of it.

      I’m glad you like the gartending concept. Isn’t it fun?!

  6. Pingback: Hibiscus Lemonade « Boozed + Infused

  7. Everything sounds so good. I have made Apple Cider Vodka and it’s yummy! I’d like to know if anyone has made Bourbon infused pineapple. My brother loves pineapple and I’d like to make this for him for Christmas. I’d appreciate any help.

    • Hi Carol, your apple cider vodka sounds great! I have not made a pineapple bourbon. I have made pineapple vodka and rum, and every other bourbon infusion I have made has been really great. If your brother loves bourbon as much as he loves pineapple, then give it a try! I look forward to hearing how it tastes!

      • Hi Alicia, I have settled, for the moment, on Dried Cherry Infused Bourbon. I read somewhere that it infuses faster than fresh cherries. And, since it’s the wrong time of year for cherries, I’m using the dried ones. I’ll let you know how it comes out. I’ll get my brother’s input. But, haven’t given up on the pineapple. It’s just on the back burner.

      • Hi Carol, yes dried cherries do infuse pretty quickly – and the dried cherry bourbon is one of my favorites. It is really tasty! I hope you like it!

  8. Hey there Alicia.. Fee weeks ago i prepared a batch of lemongrass and vanilla infused white rum.. The result was quite pleasant but the vanilla is too overpowering .. Should i prepare two separate batches and then mix them or should i just remove the vanilla beans after Fe days? Thanx in advance

    • It can often be difficult infusing ingredients at the same time when they infuse in very different ways or time frames. By infusing each ingredient separately, it does allow you to control the flavor. These single ingredient tinctures are often how you make bitters and other infusions. Another method would be to use just a very small piece of vanilla bean, with a lot more lemongrass.

      Do you still have the first batch that you made? I would keep that, and make the lemongrass-infused rum as a single-ingredient infusion (as you described). After that gets to the desired amount of lemongrass flavor, strain it and begin to add some of your original infusion (the one that is overly-vanilla flavored). Add just a bit at a time until this gets to just the right flavor.

      Over time, I have started to understand how some ingredients can over-power and these are often ones that I will just reduce the amount of the ingredient in the infusion.
      Good luck! Hope that helps!

      • thanx Alicia, definitely helpful.. i will try a second batch and then mix them as i sill have the most of the first one…it’s not easy infusing.. yougot some really cool ideas though and i’ll try to bring them to our cocktail list

  9. hello, what measurement is the c? is that 1 and a half cups of vodka?

  10. Good recipe! This works well in a Margarita variant. Use the lemongrass infused vodka in lieu of Cointreau: Tequila, lemongrass, fresh lime juice, sweeten as desired (e.g., simple sugar). I also like including a bit of chipotle to give some chile-smokiness. (Not too much).

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